Highland Elementary School

Highland Elementary School serves approximately 510 students in grades K-6. Our teachers and staff are dedicated to ensuring the academic success of every student and providing a safe and productive learning experience. The school holds high expectations for the academic and social development of all students. Curriculum planning, staff development, and assessment activities are focused on assisting students in mastering the state academic content standards, as well as increasing the overall student achievement of all subgroups.

The solar panels on campus are now complete. This is one of 12 schools in VUSD to receive solar panels, which are expected to save the District an estimated $1.7 million in energy costs. These funds will then be available to support the schools’ other facilities needs.

Measure E-funded playgrounds were installed on the campus in the summer of 2015. The playgrounds are ADA-compliant, with rubber tiles and paths of travel. The school also gained new seating walls that double as planters.


For further information about facility improvements funded by Measure E, contact Robert Groeber, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, at 730-7529 or Monique Miron, CCM, LEED AP, AVS, CM Construction Services, Inc. 735-9556.